The East Kalimantan Covid-19 Task Force has again announced the addition of Covid-19 cases in East Kalimantan. As of August 19, 2020, the total positive cases in East Kalimantan were 2,669 cases. There were an addition of 91 new positive cases. Based on data from the Covid-19 Risk Map, Balikpapan and Samarinda are in the red zone with a high level of risk (Kaltim Today, 2020). Kunjang River, Sungai Pinang sub-district and Samarinda Ilir sub-district. While the other 4 sub-districts, the orange zone is in the Sambutan sub-district, and the yellow zone is in the Samarinda Seberang sub-district, Loa Janan Ilir and also in the Palaran sub-district (Niaga Asia, 2020). Solutions that will be offered to these problems. mask distribution. This activity aims to increase awareness of how to properly handle mask waste. This service is planned to be carried out in January 2022 at SMK 17 in Samarinda City. The service method used in this activity is socialization and procurement of used mask waste bins.