AbstrakPada proses persalinan terjadi desakan alamiah dari kepala atau bahu janin umumnya menyebabkan luka perineum. Bila luka perineum tersebut tidak dirawat optimal maka lochea dapat menyebabkan kelembapan dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri yang kemudian berisiko terhadap proses penyembuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengetahuan ibu post-partum di wilayah kerja Poskesdes Sungai Kitano Martapura Timur Kabupaten Banjar tentang proses perawatan luka perineum dan hubungannya terhadap laju penyembuhan luka. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu post-partum yang menjadi pasien antara periode Juli-Agustus 2022 di tempat tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sebanyak 30 orang responden diambil sebagai sampel dengan teknik accidental sampling. Berdasarkan perhitungan uji chi square, didapatkan nilai 0,002 <α=0,05. Berdasarkan tingkat pengetahuan, diketahui 53,3% responden berpengetahuan rendah umumnya menjalani proses penyembuhan tidak sesuai fase. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat dinyatakan pengetahuan perawatan luka perineum memiliki pengaruh terhadap proses penyembuhan.Kata kunci: Kesembuhan luka perineum, pengetahuan ibu, perawatan perineumThe Relationship of Post-Partum Mother's Knowledge about Perineal Wound Care with Perineal Wound Healing Process at Poskesdes Sungai Kitano Martapura Timur Banjar RegencyAbstractIn the process of childbirth, there is natural pressure from the head or shoulders of the fetus, which generally causes perineal injuries. If the perineal wound is not treated optimally then the lochia can cause moisture and increase the growth of bacteria which then poses a risk to the healing process. This study aims to analyze the knowledge of post-partum mothers in the Sungai Kitano Martapura Timur Poskesdes work area, Banjar Regency regarding the perineal wound care process and its relationship to the rate of wound healing. The sample in this study were post-partum mothers who became patients between the period July–August 2022 at that location. This study used an analytic design with a cross sectional design. 30 respondents were taken as a sample by accidental sampling technique. Based on the calculation of the chi square test, the value is 0.002 <α=0.05. Based on the level of knowledge, it is known that 53.3% of respondents with low knowledge generally undergo a healing process that is not according to the phase. From these results, it can be stated that knowledge of perineal wound care has a influence on the healing process.Keywords: Mothers’ knowledge, perineal care, perineal wound healing