ABSTRAK Kesehatan ibu dan anak serta kegagalan pertumbuhan anak seperti stunting masih menjadi isu masalah kesehatan nasional saat ini. Masalah kesehatan di wilayah mitra kelurahan Kolo adalah masih rendahnya kunjungan monitoring balita di posyandu yaitu hanya 29% dari target capaian, masih ditemukan balita dengan gizi kurang dan anak dengan stunting sebanyak 34 orang. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masayarakat ini adalah untuk memberdayakan keluarga dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan anak di Kelurahan Kolo. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah dengan penyuluhan kesehatan dan pelatihan keluarga tentang stimulasi tumbuh kembang dan pencegahan dan perawatan penyakit infeksi. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat didapatkan sebanyak 100% keluarga sasaran memahami pentingnya stimulasi, deteksi dini dan monitoring tumbuh kembang anak balita, 100% keluarga sasaran dapat membaca dan menginterpretasi KMS. Hasil pre-test sebanyak 36% keluarga dengan anak balita mengerti tentang stimulasi, deteksi dini dan monitoring tumbuh kembang, post-test sebanyak 100% keluarga dengan anak balita mengerti tentang stimulasi, deteksi dini dan monitoring tumbuh kembang. Pada pre-test sebanyak 39% keluarga dengan anak balita mengerti perawatan dan pencegahan penularan penyakit Kusta serta cara mengenal tanda gejala penyakit Kusta pada anak. Hasil post-test sebanyak 100% keluarga dengan anak balita mengerti perawatan dan pencegahan penularan penyakit Kusta serta cara mengenal tanda dan gejala penyakit Kusta pada anak. Hasil pengabdian ini penting untuk membantu upaya pemerintah dalam meningkatkan pembangunan kesehatan nasional. Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan Keluarga, Tumbuh Kembang, Edukasi ABSTRACT Maternal and child health and failure of child growth such as stunting are still issues of national health problems today. The health problem in the partner area of Kolo sub-district is the low number of monitoring visits for children under five at the posyandu, which is only 29% of the target achievement, there are still under-fives with malnutrition and children with stunting as many as 34 people. The purpose of this community service is to empower families in improving the health status of children in Kolo Village. The method used in this community service is health counseling and family training on the stimulation of growth and development and the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.The results of community service were obtained that 100% of target families understood the importance of stimulation, early detection and monitoring of the growth and development of children under five, 100% of target families could read and interpret KMS. The results of the pre-test as many as 36% of families with toddlers understand about stimulation, early detection and monitoring of growth and development, post-test as many as 100% of families with toddlers understand about stimulation, early detection and monitoring of growth and development. In the pre-test, 39% of families with children under five understood the treatment and prevention of leprosy transmission and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of leprosy in children. The post-test results were 100% of families with children under five understand the treatment and prevention of leprosy transmission and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of leprosy in children. The results of this service are important to assist the government's efforts in improving national health development. Keywords: Family Empowerment; Growth and development; Education