The purpose of this research was to identity the validity, realibility and difficulty level of summative test made by EFL teacher at eight grade of SMPN 2 Watang Pulu Sidenreng Rappang. The results of this study were beneficial for the teacher and students because they gained proper information about quality of summative test created by EFL Teacher. The samples of this study were 20 students and 1 data of summative test conducted from the teacher. The researcher conducted the research by quantitative method. The data collection technique was taken document of summative English test. The data was analyzed by using validity, reliability and difficulty level analysis. The result of validity was have 0,344 with significance level of 5%. Items of English summative test n as valid 14 items with percentage (70%), invalid items are 6 items with percentage (30%). The reliability is category reliabel showed index 0,82higher than 0,70. Level of difficulty, the total items as easy category there are 2 items (10%), the total of medium category are 12 items test with percentage (60%), and difficult category have 6 items with percentage (30%). From the result above, the level of difficulty of English summative test items have a good category because the medium category more than 50%.