Dermatitis is a group of diseases that are often underestimated, whereas it includes the top 10 diseases suffered by the people of Indonesia. Prevalence in Makassar City, 2014 dermatitis case number 53,365 cases, while in Puskesmas Rappokalling dermatitis cases amounted to 2030 (15.63%) cases. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation of risk factor of individual characteristic, personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, environmental exposure, genetic / heredity, and allergy with dermatitis incidence. The study design used was case control study, where patients who visited the Rappokalling Puskesmas were suffering from dermatitis (cases) and patients who did not suffer from dermatitis (control) as population and sample. The sample counted 64 people (cases) and 64 people (control), so the total sample size was 128 people. Data analysis was done by odds ratio test and presented in tabular form. The results showed that there was a personal hygiene relationship, environmental sanitation (clean water facilities), and allergy to the incidence of dermatitis in the work area of Rappokalling Puskesmas. It is recommended that the government, especially Rappokalling Puskesmas to provide education to the public to always maintain personal hygiene such as cleanliness of towels, body hygiene (bath 2 times a day), hand hygiene and nails (diligent hand washing and cutting nails). The government should provide clean water facilities that meet the requirements of the community and take into account the potential for allergic-related dermatitis.