The grounding system must be connected to every electrical panel of the building so that electrical installations, equipment, and people in the building can avoid the danger of overcurrent or voltage. In fact, the installation of grounding on prepaid kWh meters, especially in residential areas, is partially grounded because of the reason that errors often occur. This research was conducted when the prepaid kWh meter used grounding, kWh without using grounding, and kWh using grounding combined to Neutral with a different voltage source. The results of the study with three different test methods show that there is a difference in Power (W) and information on the Prepaid kWh Meter when testing the voltage varying from 270 V to TRIP at a voltage below 80 V. The power when testing using grounding is more maximal at a voltage of 220 -270V. when the voltage drops, testing using grounding is better because at a voltage of 140V there is already a warning sign in the form of a palm image on the prepaid kWh meter. Whereas in the test without using grounding, the warning appears at a voltage of 110V. The calculation of usage error at 220V shows that the smallest prepaid kWh meter error is using grounding of 1.063%. Meanwhile, the prepaid kWh meter error without grounding is 3.76%, and using grounding connected to neutral is 35.38%. Testing and calculating the prepaid kWh meter is very good when it is grounded. Starting from calculating small errors to maintaining losses from leakage currents in home electrical equipment and installations.