“…Studies on recurrent urban travel include Cadwallader (1975), McKay, Olshavsky, and Sentell (1975), Lloyd and Jennings (1978), Potter (1978), Massam and Bouchard (1976), Piccolo and Louviere (1977), and Aldskogius (1977). Studies of migration behavior include Clark and Huntoon (1976), Jessen (1976), Jones (1978Jones ( , 1980, Jones and Zannaras (1976), Lieber (1978Lieber ( ,1979, Lloyd (1976), and White (1974White ( , 1977White ( , and 1981. The distinction between "cognitive" and "affective" has been clarified in the psychological literature by the separation of the concepts of belief and attitude (Fishbein 1968;Fishbein and Ajzen 1975) and in the geographical literature by the distinction between designative and appraisive perception (Cox 1972).…”