Crime is all kinds of actions and actions that are economically and psychologically harmful that violate the laws in force in the State of Indonesia as well as social and religious norms. Ordinary criminal acts affect the security of the community and threaten their inner and outer peace. The research location is the Mentawai Islands Police, which is an agency that can provide security and protection for the community, especially those in the Mentawai Islands Regency. The problem is that it is difficult for the Mentawai Islands Police to classify areas that are prone to crime in the most vulnerable, moderately vulnerable and not vulnerable categories. Especially considering the condition of the Mentawai, there are four large islands consisting of 10 sub-districts, where crime is increasing every year, especially those in the Mentawai Islands Regency area such as motor vehicle theft. Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher is interested in taking research in creating a system to predict the crime rate in the Mentawai Islands Regency in order to anticipate the surge in crime that will come. The method used is the K-Means Clustering Algorithm as a non-hierarchical data clustering method to partition existing data into one or more clusters or groups. This method partitions data into clusters so that data with the same characteristics are grouped into the same cluster and data with different characteristics are grouped into other clusters. Clustering is one of the data mining techniques used to get groups of objects that have common characteristics in large enough data. The data used is data on cases of criminal theft of motor vehicles for the last 5 years from 2016 to 2020. The results of the test show that South Sipora District is an area prone to the crime of motor vehicle theft.