This brief paper considers the xed-order H∞ output feedback control design problem for linear time invariant (LTI) systems. The objective is to design a xed-order controller with guaranteed stability and closed-loop H∞ performance. This problem is NP-hard due to the non-convex rank constraint which appears in the formulation. We propose an algorithm for non-iterative direct synthesis (NODS) of reduced order robust controllers. NODS entails initial computation of two positive-denite matrices via full-order convex LMI conditions. These are then utilized by appropriate eigenvalue decomposition to directly obtain a suboptimal convex formulation for the xed-order controller.Index TermsLow-order control, Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI), H∞ performance, Rank Constraint.
0018-9286 (c)Lemma 1. (Bounded Real Lemma [30]) The system Twz(s) with state-space matrices A, B, C and D is stable with ||Twz(s)|| ∞ < γ iff there exists a positive-denite matrix P such that, (4) Inequality (4) is a bilinear matrix inequality. There are two techniques for solving it; Projection lemma [1] and output feedback linearization [11]. Combining the Bounded Real and output feedback linearization results in the following solvability conditions. Theorem 1. (H∞ controllers for continuous LTI systems [11]) There exists a linear controller of order n k ≤ nx such that the closed-loop system Twz is stable and ∥Twz∥∞ < γ, iff there exist symmetric matrices X = X T ∈ R nx×nx , Y = Y T ∈ R nx×nx and A,B,Ĉ,D of appropriate dimension such that,