Batched dense linear algebra kernels are becoming ubiquitous in scienti c applications, ranging from tensor contractions in deep learning to data compression in hierarchical low-rank matrix approximation. Within a single API call, these kernels are capable of simultaneously launching up to thousands of similar matrix computations, removing the expensive overhead of multiple API calls while increasing the occupancy of the underlying hardware. A challenge is that for the existing hardware landscape (x86, GPUs, etc.), only a subset of the required batched operations is implemented by the vendors, with limited support for very small problem sizes. We describe the design and performance of a new class of batched triangular dense linear algebra kernels on very small data sizes (up to 256) using single and multiple GPUs. By deploying two-sided recursive formulations, stressing the register usage, maintaining data locality, reducing threads synchronization and fusing successive kernel calls, the new batched kernels outperform existing state-of-the-art implementations.A. Charara et al.However, some of the most critical applications currently of high interests in the HPC community, especially in data analytics, face a major performance bo leneck due to the inadequacy of legacy BLAS/LAPACK frameworks. For instance, tensor contractions for deep learning and hierarchical low rank data-sparse matrix computations [Hackbusch 1999;Hackbusch and Khoromskij 2000] are key operations for solving partial di erential equations. Interestingly, the bulk of the computation of these operations typically resides in performing thousands of independent dense linear algebra operations on very small sizes (usually less than 100). Even the highly vendor-optimized sequential implementations may not cope with the overhead of the memory latency at these tiny sizes. Moreover, calling the sequential version of the dense linear algebra functions within an embarrassingly parallel OpenMP loop may not be an option, due to the API overhead (i.e., parameters sanity check, memory initialization, etc.), which does not get compensated in return because of the low arithmetic intensity of the kernel operations. is is further exacerbated by hardware with a large number of threads, such as GPUs with many streaming multiprocessors, for which high occupancy may not be reached, bandwidth may not get saturated, and thread parallelism may not be exploited given the small workloads. At present, vendors currently provide only a subset of the overall batched linear algebra operations, with limited support for very small problem paper describes the high-performance implementations on GPUs of various batched triangular dense linear algebra operations targeting very small sizes (up to 256 in dimension), which are currently either poorly supported or not at all. ere are two main algorithmic adaptations, which may address this challenge: designing synchronization-reducing (i.e., strong scaling) and communication-reducing (i.e., data motion avoiding) algorithms. Alth...