Abstrak: Dalam adat istiadat masyarakat sasak terutama keturunan bangsawan khsususnya kaum perempuan, apabila ingin menikah dia harus mencari orang yang sebangsawannya, jika tidak maka harta warisan akan hangus, dan diberikan sanksi keluar dari golongan bangsawan. Sedangkan kalau laki-laki diperbolehkan menikah dengan masyarakat biasa ataupun masyarakat bangsawan. Tujuan dalam artikel ini menjelaskan prosesi adat merarik masyarakat bangsawan dengan masyarakat biasa di Desa Sengkerang Kecamatan Praya Timur Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Penelitian ini termasuk peneltian kualitatif. Subyek Penelitian yaitu Kepala Desa, Kepala Dusun, Tokoh Agama, Tokoh Adat, Tokoh Pemuda dan Masyarakat. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai yaitu teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prosesi merariq masyarakat bangsawan dan masyarakat biasa meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu: Pertama, adat sebelum akad berupa Midang, Midang merupakan kunjungan secara langsung dari pihak laki-laki ke pihak perempuan dalam rangka memperdalam hubungan sekaligus mengikat hubungan pertalian yang lebih mendalam dalam bentuk pernikahan. Kedua, adat dalam proses akad meliputi rangakaian kegiatan Merariq, Mesejati/sejati, Pemuput selabar/selabar, dan Nyongkol atau nyodol. Ketiga, adat setelah akad, setelah acara sorong doe atau nyongkol dan bales lampak nae (balas bekas kaki). Abstract: In the customs of the Sasak people, especially the descendants of the aristocracy, especially women, if they want to get married they have to find someone who is an aristocrat, otherwise their inheritance will be forfeited and will be sanctioned to leave the aristocratic class. Meanwhile, men are allowed to marry into ordinary people or noble societies. The purpose of this article is to explain the traditional procession of drawing aristocratic communities with ordinary people in Sengkerang Village, Praya Timur District, Central Lombok Regency. This research includes qualitative research. Research subjects were village heads, hamlet heads, religious leaders, traditional leaders, youth and community leaders. The data collection methods used were observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data obtained will be analyzed with an interactive model. The results of this study indicate that the merariq procession of the aristocratic society and the common people includes three stages, namely: First, the custom before the contract in the form of Midang, Midang is a direct visit from the male side to the female side in order to deepen the relationship as well as to tie a deeper relationship. form of marriage. Second, customs in the contract process include a series of Merariq activities, true / true, Pemuput patience / patience, and Nyongkol or nyodol. Third, the customs after the contract, after the sorong doe or nagging and bales lampak nae (reply to the foot marks).