The purpose of this research is to study and obtain information about physical abilities including the level of ability of the arms, shoulders, legs, explosive power of the arms and legs, and flexibility of the body muscles. The study used an observational method approach and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in the form of central tendency. The results of the data analysis showed that the arm muscle strength (50 percent) was dominant in the poor criteria, the right shoulder muscle strength (60 percent) left (36.66 percent) was dominant in the poor criteria, the leg muscle strength (56.66 percent) was dominant on the poor criteria, The explosive power of the arms (36.66 percent) is sufficiently dominant, the explosive power of the limbs (43.33 percent) is sufficiently dominant, and the flexibility of the muscles of the body (36.66 percent) is dominant in sufficient criteria.
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai kemampuan fisik yang meliputi tingkat kemampuan kekuatan otot lengan, bahu, tungkai, daya ledak otot lengan dan tungkai, dan kelentukan otot tubuh. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan metode observasi dan data dianalisis menggunakan statistika deskriptif bentuk tendensi sentral. Hasil analisis data diperoleh kekuatan otot lengan (50 persen) dominan pada kriteria kurang, kekuatan otot bahu kanan (60 persen) kiri (36,66 persen) dominan pada kriteria kurang, kekuatan otot tungkai (56,66 persen) dominan pada kriteria kurang, daya ledak lengan (36,66 persen) dominan cukup, daya ledak tungkai (43,33 persen) dominan cukup, dan kelentukan otot tubuh (36,66 persen) dominan pada kriteria cukup.