Abstrak: Tidak sedikit mahasiswa calon guru yang belum memahami sepenuhnya terkait elemen-elemen pendukung dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, salah satunya mengenai pembelajaran berdiferensiasi. Beberapa faktor penyebabnya adalah keterbatasan pemahaman konsep, kurangnya pengalaman lapangan, dan tantangan dalam mengidentifikasi kebutuhan individual siswa. PMahasiswa perlu mempersiapkan pemahaman dan keterampilan yang mumpuni terkait terkait pembelajaran berdiferensiasi Kurikulum Merdeka serta elemen-elemen di dalamnya seperti pembelajaran berdiferensiasi perlu dimiliki oleh mahasiswa sebelum melaksanakan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL). Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang penerapan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi bagi mahasiswa calon guru matematika sebagai upaya mempersiapkan PPL di sekolah. Metode pelaksanaan terdiri dari: (1) pra kegiatan, merumuskan masalah mitra dan solusinya; (2) pelaksanaan lokakarya pembelajaran berdiferensiasi; dan (3) monitoring dan evaluasi pada saat dan setelah lokakarya. kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan melalui sosialiasi, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), dan praktik. Instrumen evaluasi keberhasilan berupa kuesioner untuk memeriksa pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai pembelajaran berdiferensiasi. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 32 mahasiswa. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa 80% mahasiwa setuju dan sangat setuju bahwa kegiatan lokakarya dan materi yang disampaikan oleh tim pengabdi mencukupi untuk mahasiswa mampu menerapkan serta mengembangkan perangkat dan media pembelajaran berdiferensiasi.Abstract: Students need to have a good understanding and skills related to Merdeka Curriculum and its elements such as differentiated learning before carrying out Field Experience Practices (PPL). This service activity aims to provide an understanding of the application of differentiated learning for prospective mathematics teacher students as an effort to prepare for PPL at school. The method of service activities is carried out through socialisation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and practice. The success evaluation instrument is a questionnaire to check students' understanding of differentiated learning. This activity involved 32 students. The results of this activity show that 80% of students agree and strongly agree that the workshop activities and materials presented by the service team are sufficient for students to be able to apply and develop differentiated learning tools and media.Not a few prospective teacher students don’t fully understand the supporting elements in the Merdeka Curriculum, one of which is about differentiated learning. Some of the factors that cause this are limited understanding of concepts, lack of field experience, and challenges in identifying students' individual needs. Students need to prepare a qualified understanding and skills related to differentiated learning before carrying out Teaching Practice (PPL). This service activity aims to provide an understanding of the application of differentiated learning for prospective mathematics teachers as an effort to prepare for PPL at school. The implementation method consists of: (1) pre-activity, formulating partner problems and solutions; (2) implementation of differentiated learning workshops; and (3) monitoring and evaluation during and after the workshop. The success evaluation instrument is a questionnaire to check students' understanding of differentiated learning. This activity involved 32 students. The results of this activity show that 80% of students agree and strongly agree that the workshop activities and materials presented by the service team are sufficient for students to be able to apply and develop differentiated learning tools and media.