This type of research used in this research is normative legal research. By using primary and secondary legal materials, along with tertiary legal materials as supporting materials. According to Article 9 paragraph (2) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations (Law 16/2001), the founding deed of a Foundation must be made before a Notary (Notariil) and therefore must be an authentic deed. Deeds of establishment or amendments to the foundation, the articles of association of the foundation must be notarized before a notary public. Considering that the establishment of a foundation has formal requirements, the status of a foundation's legal entity can only be obtained when the deed of establishment is legalized by the Minister of Justice as mentioned in Article 11 paragraph (1). The recognition of the existence of a foundation in a foundation law is motivated by the existence of a legal vacuum and restores the function of the foundation. A foundation is a form of non-profit legal entity in the socio-religious, educational, and related to other social activities. Amendments to the Articles of Association of a Foundation in its establishment are determined by two aspects, First, the aspect of the decision and the aspect of legality.