Bjerknes and Bomi Framroze. Preliminary Insights into the Inflammation-Resolving Effect of OmeGo, An Enzymatically Liberated Fish Oil, Compared to Diclofenac in A Rat Paw Edema Injection Model. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 47(1)-2022. BJSTR. MS.ID.007452.Whilst inflammation is a natural response to injury and wear and tear on the body the associated pain and swelling are clearly problematic for the sufferer. Marin polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3, are known to have inflammation-resolving effects and our previous work has shown the minimally processed whole fish oil, OmeGo, to significantly reduce type 2, allergic inflammation. As a next step, this preliminary study used a standard carrageenan-induced rat paw swelling model of (type 1) acute inflammation to assess whether OmeGo could alleviate the paw swelling. Over the 24-hour period of the study, OmeGo showed a similar impact on paw swelling as active control, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, diclofenac. Diclofenac also markedly reduced the inflammatory cytokines IL-1 and IL-6 whereas OmeGo did not. This suggests that OmeGo's effects occur through different pathways compared to NSIAD therapy. Further work is planned to further characterise OmeGo's modulation of inflammatory pathways and its potential as a pragmatic approach to help resolve acute inflammation.the resulting inflammation compared to diclofenac.