Understanding charge storage in low-dimensional electrodes is crucial for developing novel ecologically friendly devices for capacitive energy storage and conversion, water desalination, etc. Exactly-solvable models allow in-depth analyses and essential physical insights into the charging mechanisms. So far, however, such analytical approaches have been mainly limited to lattice models. Herein, we develop a versatile, exactly-solvable, one-dimensional off-lattice model for charging single-file pores.Unlike the lattice model, this model shows an excellent quantitative agreement with three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. With analytical calculations and simulations, we show that the differential capacitance can be bell-shaped (one peak), camel-shaped (two peaks), or have four peaks. Transformations between these capacitance shapes can be induced by changing pore ionophilicity, cation-anion size asymmetry, or by adding solvent. We find that the camel-shaped capacitance, characteristic of dilute electrolytes, appears for strongly ionophilic pores with high ion densities, which we relate to charging mechanisms specific to narrow pores. We also derive a large-voltage asymptotic expression for the capacitance, showing that the capacitance decays to zero as the inverse square of the voltage, C ∼ u −2 . This