We report the physical reasons of a curious decrease in the crater depth observed for long delays in experiments with femtosecond double pulses. Detailed hydrodynamic modeling demonstrates that the ablation mechanism is dumped when the delay between the pulses exceeds the electron-ion relaxation time. In this case, the interaction of the second laser pulse with the expanding target material leads to the formation of the second shock wave suppressing the rarefaction wave created by the first pulse. The evidence of this effect follows from the pressure and density profiles obtained at different delays after the first laser pulse.PACS numbers: 52.38. Mf, 79.20.Ds, 42.25.Bs, 72.15.Cz During last decade, femtosecond laser systems have found numerous applications in different areas, such as laser material treatment, nano-optics, and surface analysis [1]. One of the particularly promising applications of ultrashort laser pulses is laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) [2], or a remote technique that can be used to instantly analyze different materials. The advantages of ultrashort laser pulses were demonstrated in several LIBS experiments resulting in a considerably improved spectral resolution. To further increase the accuracy of the analysis, several special configurations were proposed enhancing the intensity of the plume emission. One of the promising schemes is based on double pulse (DP) laser set-ups [3][4][5]. In addition, experiments with several delayed femtosecond pulses were shown to be advantageous in laser machining [6], thin film modification [7] and in fast ion production [8].Performing DP femtosecond experiments for different metals, several authors [3, 5, 9] surprisingly noticed a monotonic decrease in the resulting crater depth with the increase in the delay τ delay between the laser pulses. This effect was observed both under vacuum [5,9] and in air [3]. In the experiments [5] with copper targets, for instance, the laser fluence of each pulse was set to be F single = 2 J/cm 2 . When the delay between the pulses was much shorter than the electron-ion relaxation time τ ei in the target material (τ delay ≪ τ ei , where τ ei ≈ 10 ps for copper [10]) the crater depth was the same as in the case of a single pulse (SP) with the laser fluence 2 × F single = 4 J/cm 2 . For the delays approaching the electron-ion relaxation time (τ delay ∼ τ ei ), the crater depth monotonically decreased. Finally, for longer delays (τ delay ≫ τ ei ) the crater depth was found to be even smaller than that obtained with a SP at the fluence F single , see Fig. 1. Similar behavior was also obtained for aluminum [3], gold [5] and nickel [9] thus indicating the common physical effect. The dashed (blue) curve in Fig. 1 is just a prediction for long delays, which have not been yet achieved in the DP experiments. This case will be discussed at the end of the letter.Recently, several explanations of the unusual dependency of the crater depth on the delay were proposed. In particular, the temperature dependence of the heat condu...