The pp → {W, W } → lν and pp → {γ, Z, Z } → l + l − (l = e, µ) processes in the SU (3) C × SO(5) × U (1) X gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) models are studied, where W and Z bosons are Kaluza-Klein (KK) exited states of the electroweak gauge bosons. From the experimental data collected at the Large Hadron Collider, constraints on the KK mass scale and the Aharonov-Bohm phase are obtained. One can explore the KK mass scale in the GUT inspired GHU model up to 18 TeV for the luminosity 300 fb −1 and 22 TeV for the luminosity 3000 fb −1 at √ s = 14 TeV.