We will present a 3044 x 4556 pixels CMOS image sensor with a pixel array of 36 x 24 mm 2 , equal to the size of 35 mm film. Though primarily developed for digital photography, the compatibility of the device with standard optics for film cameras makes the device also attractive for machine vision applications as well as many scientific and highresolution applications. The sensor makes use of a standard rolling shutter 3-transistor active pixel in standard 0.35 µm CMOS technology. On-chip double sampling is used to reduce fixed pattern noise. The pixel is 8 µm large, has 60,000 electrons full well charge and a conversion gain of 18.5 µV/electron. The product of quantum efficiency and fill factor of the monochrome device is 40%. Temporal noise is 35 electrons, offering a dynamic range of 65.4 dB. Dark current is 4.2 mV/s at 30 degrees C. Fixed pattern noise is less than 1.5 mV RMS over the entire focal plane and less than 1 mV RMS in local windows of 32 x 32 pixels. The sensor is read out over 4 parallel outputs at 15 MHz each, offering 3.2 images/second. The device runs at 3.3 V and consumes 200 mW.