Bradyrhizobia are known symbiotic partners of soybean. However, some soybean cultivars restrict nodulation by some Bradyrhizobium bacterial strains. These restrictions are related to compatibility between the Rj genes of soybean cultivars and nodulation types of inoculated bacteria. The objective of this study was to determine nodulation incompatibility of Type B strains with Rj 3 soybean cultivars. Newly isolated B. elkanii strains BLY3-8 and BLY6-1 from Myanmar and specific strain Bradyrhizobium elkanii USDA33, which are incompatible with Rj 3 soybean cultivars, and B. japonicum USDA110 were used as inoculants to check compatibility or incompatibility with Rj 3 soybean cultivars. Nitrogen fixation activity was measured by the acetylene reduction method. Ethylene concentration (reduction of acetylene) was determined by flame ionization gas chromatography. According to the inoculation test results, USDA110 was compatible with all soybean cultivars because it formed effective nodules ( Figure S1 in Appendix) and possessed nitrogenase activity.Similarly, B. elkanii strains BLY3-8, BLY6-1, and USDA33 were highly compatible with non-Rj and Rj 4 -gene harboring soybean cultivars because they had the ability to form functional nodules and possessed nitrogenase activity.Inversely, BLY3-8, BLY6-1, and USDA33 were incompatible with Rj 3 soybean cultivars because they produced ineffective nodules. Consequently, the ratio of ineffective nodule number to total nodule number was >0.5. Therefore, nodule formation by the newly isolated B. elkanii strains BLY3-8 and BLY6-1 was restricted by the Rj 3 soybean cultivars potentially making them useful as specific strains to detect the Rj 3 gene in soybean cultivars.