COVID-19 encouraged the efforts to find its prevention and treatment. Indonesia possesses myriads of plant diversity, many of which have anti-microbial effects. Singawalang plant (Petiveria aleaceae) has been used as an alternative treatment for tuberculosis, malaria, and other diseases in Indonesia and other countries. Active ingredients of Singalawang are flavonoids and various types of amino acids found in the leaves and roots. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of dolomite, zeolite, and NPK fertilizers in increasing nutrient absorption and Singawalang growth in entisol soils. P. alleaceae were planted in polybags using entisol soils medium by using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Zeolite, dolomite (2.5 tons/ha), and NPK Fertilizer (15:15:15) at a dose of 0; 1.5; 3; 4.5 g/plant were applied. The results showed that the amendment application had a significant effect on the number of leaves but did not significantly affect other growth parameters and nutrient absorption of NPK. In general, zeolites can increase the growth and absorption of nutrients higher than dolomite.