This work describes the development and validation of a patient-specific Monte Carlo internal dosimetry platform called RAPID (Radiopharmaceutical Assessment Platform for Internal Dosimetry). RAPID utilizes serial PET/CT or SPECT/CT images to calculate voxelized three-dimensional (3D) internal dose distributions with the Monte Carlo code Geant4. RAPID's dosimetry calculations were benchmarked against previously published S-values and specific absorbed fractions (SAFs) calculated for monoenergetic photon and electron sources within the Zubal phantom and for S-values calculated for a variety of radionuclides within spherical tumor phantoms with sizes ranging from 1 to 1000 g. The majority of the S-values and SAFs calculated in the Zubal Phantom were within 5% of the previously published values with the exception of a few 10 keV photon SAFs that agreed within 10%, and one value within 16%. The S-values calculated in the spherical tumor phantoms agreed within 2% for Lu,I, I,F, and Cu, within 3.5% forAt and Bi, within 6.5% forSm, In,Zr, and Ra, and within 9% forY, Ga, andI. In conclusion, RAPID is capable of calculating accurate internal dosimetry at the voxel-level for a wide variety of radionuclides and could be a useful tool for calculating patient-specific 3D dose distributions.