A strain-balanced, AlInAs/InGaAs/InP quantum cascade laser structure, designed for light emission at 4.0 μm using nonresonant extraction design approach, was grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Laser devices were processed in buried heterostructure geometry. An air-cooled laser system incorporating a 10-mm × 11.5-μm laser with antireflection-coated front facet and high-reflection-coated back facet delivered over 2 W of single-ended optical power in a collimated beam. Maximum continuous-wave room temperature wall plug efficiency of 5.0% was demonstrated for a high-reflection-coated 3.65-mm × 8.7-μm laser mounted on an aluminum nitride submount.high power | midinfrared Q uantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are important infrared light sources with various applications in defense and civilian fields. Low atmospheric absorption in the first atmospheric window spanning from 3.5 to 4.8 μm gives rise to a number of applications based on free light propagation, such as light detection and ranging sensors and beacons. Strong carbon dioxide absorption for wavelengths from 4.2 to 4.4 μm splits the window into two subbands: 3.5-4.2 and 4.4-4.8 μm. Light propagation at wavelengths in either of the two subbands does not experience any significant atmospheric losses. Currently, most of the systems for commercial and defense applications in the wavelength regions rely on expensive and often unreliable optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) or flash lamps as the optical radiation sources. Recent breakthrough developments in continuous-wave (CW) QCL performance at 4.6 μm (1, 2) make them ideal for applications in these systems as light sources in the longer wavelength region of the first atmospheric window. Availability of highperformance QCLs emitting in the shorter wavelength region covering 3.5-4.2 μm, in addition to the high-performance 4.6-μm QCLs, would allow replacing OPOs and flash lamps with compact, reliable, more energy-efficient, and less-expensive QCL systems. However, QCL performance in the shorter wavelength region has lagged significantly behind that of their longer wavelength counterparts. The highest CW room-temperature wall plug efficiency (WPE) and optical power reported, until now, are ∼3% and 500 mW, respectively, for lasers mounted on diamond submounts (3). In the present work, we report significant improvement in 4.0-μm QCL performance and realization of reliable and compact air-cooled 4.0-μm QCL systems capable of delivering over 2 W of optical power in a collimated beam.One of the reasons for the poorer performance of QCLs at wavelengths shorter than 4.5 μm is carrier leakage from the upper laser level through closely located indirect states. As laser transition energy increases, the upper laser level moves up, approaching the bottom of the indirect band profile corresponding to indirect X or L valleys. Reduced energy spacing between the upper laser level and bottom of indirect valleys increases carrier scattering from the upper laser level to indirect states leading to a reduction in population inversion. Another ...