Eggs, larvae, and pupae of Culex tarsalis Coquillett were treated with ecdysones, juvenile hormone analogs, and 6-oxooctanoic acid. Effects of these agents on mortality, induction of supernumerary stages, and adult emergence were determined. Topical treatment of eggs with CRD9499 (a juvenile hormone analog), β-ecdysone, and 22-isoecdysone caused a reduction in adult emergence. Treatment of fourth-instar larvae with these chemicals not only induced mortality but also caused the formation of supernumerary intermediate stages. Larvae of C. tarsalis were very susceptible to CRD9499, but pupae were resistant. The ecdysones caused some mortality but only at very high doses and would thus be of little use as larvicides. 6-Oxooctanoic acid caused high rates of mortality at 0.001 M concentrations.