. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap perubahan fisiologis (penyusutan bobot, persentase rimpang bertunas, tunas, kadar air, dan laju respirasi), serta viabilitas rimpang benih (daya tumbuh, tinggi, dan bobot kering bibit). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rimpang benih umur 7 dan 8 BST mempunyai daya simpan terbaik karena menghasilkan masing-masing total angka penyusutan bobot lebih rendah (24,65 dan 25,25%) dan tunas lebih pendek (0,30 dan 1,08 cm) dibandingkan dengan umur panen 9 BST (27,13% dan 1,62 cm), selama 4 bulan disimpan. Masa dormansi rimpang benih JPB mulai pecah setelah mengalami periode simpan 2 bulan. Pertumbuhannya mulai seragam setelah 3 bulan simpan. Umur panen jahe 7 dan 8 BST mempunyai derajat dormansi yang lebih tinggi dibanding 9 BST. Rimpang benih umur panen 7, 8, dan 9 BST mempunyai daya tumbuh tinggi (>95%) dan pertumbuhan bibit seragam setelah 3 bulan disimpan.Kata kunci: Zingiber officinale Rosc., penyimpanan, benih, perubahan fisiologis, viabilitas ABSTRACT One of the factors that determine the storability of seed rhizome of white big ginger (WBG) is quality. The quality is determined by the maturity levels of seed rhizome. The aim of the experiment was to observe the effect of harvesting time on physiological changes and seed viability of WBG seed rhizomes during the storage. The experiment was conducted at Green House and Seed Technology Laboratory of Indonesian Spice and Medicinal Crops Research Institute, Bogor and Postharvest Laboratory, IPB, from July 2012 to February 2013. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with five replications. The treatments tested were three levels of WBG seed rhizome harvesting time: 7, 8, and 9 month after planting (MAP). Variables observed were physiological changes of seed rhizomes during the storage (weight loss, sprouting percentage, shoot height, respiration rate, and moisture content) and viability (growth ability, height, and dry weight of the seedling). The results showed that seed rhizomes at 7 and 8 had the best storability, since it was produced each low rate of weight loss (24.65 and 25.25%), and shoots shorter (0.3 and 1.08 cm) than 9 MAP (27.13% and 1.62 cm), for 4 months in storage. Dormancy of WBG seed rhizomes has been broken after 2 months in storage. Harvesting at 7 and 8 showed a degree of dormancy higher than the harvesting age 9 MAP. Harvesting time at 7, 8, and 9 MAP had high growth ability (> 95%) and uniform seedling growth after 3 months in storage.