Ephemeral reaches are common along desert rivers but are less well studied than those with perennial stream Xow. This study contrasted riparian plant species richness and composition (extant vegetation and soil seed bank) between stream reaches with diVerent low-Xow conditions (perennial vs. ephemeral Xow) but similar Xood patterns and similar watershed-derived species pools. Data were collected at Cienega Creek (Arizona, USA) over a 2 year period spanning drought conditions and wetter conditions. Consistent with expectations relating to water limitation eVects on diversity, species richness in the riparian zone was lower at ephemeral-Xow sites during a season with minimal precipitation and no overbank Xooding; under these conditions, the more permanent water sources of the perennial-Xow sites sustain the larger number of species. During seasons with greater precipitation and elevated stream Xows, in contrast, species richness at ephemeral-Xow sites increased to levels at or slightly above those of perennial-Xow sites. For values pooled across two wet seasons of a calendar year, year-round richness was greater at the two ephemeral-Xow sites (total of 92 vascular plant species) than at the two perennial-Xow sites (68 species). This greater year-round richness was a combination of multiple factors: greater light, space, and bare ground, a diverse soil seed bank (with the seed banks equally species-rich among hydrologic types), and moderately abundant precipitation and Xooding suYcient to stimulate establishment of opportunistic species (mainly annuals) during the bimodal wet seasons. These results indicate that long-term patterns of site water availability, by inXuencing woody plant cover, mediate the diversity response to episodic water pulses in dryland rivers. The results also have implications for riparian conservation eVorts, which to date have focused primarily on perennial stream reaches: ephemeral reaches of spatially intermittent rivers harbor many riparian plant species, and warrant conservation eVorts, as well.