This study aims to determine the effect of body condition score (BCS), lactation length, and dry period on milk production of dairy cows at PT. Ultra Peternakan Bandung Selatan (UPBS). The research was conducted at PT. UPBS, Pengalengan, West Java, the following method used is survey method, where the data of primary and secondary data using 130 lactating dairy cows 3. Complete milk production records as variable y and BCS, lactation length, and dry period as variable x. The effect of BCS, duration of lactation, and dry period were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study discovered that each factor of BCS, lactation length and dry period duration a very significant effect (P<0,01) with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 76.2%, average milk production 7835±631,33 kg, BCS score 3,25 ±0,26; lactation length is 346±65,26 days, and dry period (R2) is 77±33,18 days. The conclusions of this study; to optimize milk production, the implementation of dairy cows maintenance needed on BCS, lactation length, and optimal dry period according to the recommendations.