This research paper presents a relevant contribution to optimal control of angular velocities with trajectories tracking for 2WD mobile robots. The dynamic model of each robotic servomechanisms is modelled from experimental data as a second order transfer function. Then, the direct and reverse kinematic equations are analytically developed. Then, the LQRT (Linear Quadratic Regulator with Tracking) gains for angular velocity of servomechanisms, are computed over infinite time horizon from corresponding Riccatti equations, using PSO (Particles Swarm Optimization) values of weighted matrix Q and R. Therefore, the LQRT solution computed from PSO of Q and R is known as LQRT-PSO. In addition, the LQRT-PSO gains computed from the related Riccati equations, are transformed into equivalent PID/LQRT-PSO gains for angular velocities control. Furthermore, a trajectory tracking flowchart is designed to reinforce the robustness of the overall control system. On the other hand, relevant developments conducted in the design step, are organized into an overall Matlab/Simulink PID/LQRT-PSO scheme. Finally, the obtained simulation results are presented in order to show the high performance of the proposed PID/LQRT-PSO control scheme for 2WD mobile robots.