. 1994. Effects of prolonged release recombinant porcine somatotropin and dietary protein on the growth, feed efficiency, carcass yield and meat quality of pigs.Can. J. Anim. Sci. 74 [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. The effects of prolonged release recombinant porcine somatotropin (rpST) and dietary protein were tested in 108 Lacombe pigs, allocated to control or rpST treatments at 70 kg and fed isoenergetic diets containing one of three protein levels (14, 17 or 20% CP). Recombinant derived porcine somatotropin was implanted in the ear weekly (Monsanto AgriculturalCo.,St.Louis,#CP115409, l2mgwkr.l.Thecontrol animalsweregivenaweeklyshaminjectionforaminimum of 4 wk. The prolonged release rpST had no effect on average daily gain (ADG, P>0.05), but did reduce both the feed:gain ratio (F:G, P<0.07) and dressing percentage (7 g kg-' reduction, P < 0.05). Although both the fat thickness (10th rib) and kidney fat were reduced 5.6 and 13.9%, respectively, the absolute organ weights for kidneys, liver, lungs and gastrointestinal tract increased between 5 and l0% in prolonged release rpST treated pigs compared with control pigs (P < 0.05). Bone also increased by 6 g kg ' 1f < O.OSI in prolonged release rpST treated pigs, but carcass muscle or fat proportions were not different. Prolonged release rpST caused a higher ultimate muscle pH, moisture content and shear value (P < 0.06) and lower drip loss and expressable juice (P < 0.05) compared with meat from control carcasses. Increasing the dietary protein had no effect on ADG, but did improve the F:G ratio (P < 0.05). Carcass Les animaux t6moins recevaient de leur cdt6 une injection placebo hebdomadaire pour au moins quatre semaines. L'administration de rpST par diffusion prolong6e n'avait pas d'effet sur le GMQ (P > 0,05), mais augmentait I'indice de consommation (P < 0,07) ei le rendement ir l'abattage (de 7 g kg ', P < 0,05;. Bien que 1'6paisseur du lard dorsal au niveau de la 10' cote et 1'accumulation de la graisse autour des reins 6taient diminu6s, respectivement de 5.6 etde 13,9%, le poids absolu des organes: reins, foie, poumons et tractus gastrointestinal, enregistrait des augmentations de 5 d10% chez les porcs trait6s ir la rpST (P < 0,05). La masse osseuse augmentait 6galement de 6 g kg ' 1P < 0.05t mais les proportions de maigre ou de gras dans la carcasse demeuraient inchang6es. La diffusion prolong6e de rpST produisait un accroissement des valeurs finales du pH. de
Growth and Feed EfficiencYPorcine somatotropin had no effect on growth performance of the pigs in this study (Table 2). Initial and final weights and days on test were similar (P > 0.05) for rpST and control pigs. Only the feed:gain ratio was reduced by rpST at P : 0.07 . The only significant interaction found was for protein x gender for initial weight on test. These results indicated that barrows and gilts had a similar response to rpST.Diet had no significant effect on average daily gain, daily feed intake or feed:gain ratio ( a.bDifferent lerrers are significant ar P < 0.05.