Objective: to analyze the IQVU of the city of Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil, in a perspective of quality of life from the construction of the UHEs on the Madeira River. Methods: the model developed by Paraguassú-Chaves et al [3] was used to analyze the performance index in health and environmental conditions. 552 forms and interviews were applied, which contributed to the collection of primary data in the sample survey in the 69 neighborhoods grouped by the four urban areas of Porto Velho, involving 8 households per neighborhood. The data were submitted to Factor Analysis to calculate the quality of life indexes. In the analysis phase, the IQVU model of the Hair et al classification index scale [4] was used. Results: After 6 years, the quality of life indexes found in this research are similar to those found previously. Central Zone IQVU (0.456) Regular, East Zone IQVU (0.406), North Zone IQVU (0.428) and South Zone IQVU (0.393), with the average IQVU (0.420) of the city of Porto Velho. Conclusions: there was a significant drop in the quality of life index with the construction of the Jirau and Santo Antônio hydroelectric dams on the Madeira River, in Porto Velho. The city's quality of urban life index, which had already suffered a negative impact during the construction of the dams and 1 year later, worsened six years later.