Fluid balance at the capillary level has been simulated with an analogue computer program, based on experimental data on regional differences in capillary permeability, surface areas, and hydrostatic pressures. The program takes into account fluid and protein fluxes into and out of the interstitial space. Solutions are obtained for tissue hydrostatic pressure, tissue fluid osmotic pressure, interstitial space volume, and lymph flow. Simulation of a variety of physiological experiments and clinical disease states has yielded reasonable agreement between experimental data and data obtained by computer analysis. Dilution of the interstitial plasma protein pool with a consequent reduction of its oncotic pressure appears to be a major factor, which prevents edema unless plasma oncotic pressures are reduced by 10-15 mm Hg or, alternatively, venous pressures are elevated by a similar amount. The computer analysis in all instances yields positive values for tissue pressure, in agreement with experimental data obtained by needle puncture. The negative tissue pressures observed in subcutaneous capsules can be reproduced in the computer program, if the interface between the capsule and the surrounding interstitial space is assumed to have the properties of a semipermeable membrane.Partition of body fluids between the circulation, on the one hand, and the interstitial and intracellular spaces, on the other, is normally maintained within narrow limits. The mechanism maintaining this precise partition is still not well understood, but a balance of capillary hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures is generally acknowledged to play an important role, as originally pointed out by Starling (1). Current views on capillary water balance are summarized in Fig. 1, which is based on experimental data of Starling (1) and Landis (2). The graphs illustrate the relationship between hydrostatic pressures along the length of a capillary and the colloid osmotic pressure of plasma proteins.The oncotic pressure of plasma (7r,,) averages 25 mm Hg (3), corresponding to a plasma protein concentration of 7%. The hdyrostatic capillary pressures are averages based on extensive series of pressure recordings in skin capillaries of man by Landis (2). In arterial capillaries ( Fig. 1 A, left), the pressures averaged 32 mm Hg (Pa). The hydrostatic pressures in the 29 The Journal of General Physiology TRANSCAPILLARY EXCHANGES venous capillaries (Fig. 1 A, right) averaged 15 mm Hg (Pv). The transcapillary flux of fluid is governed by the difference in the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma; thus fluid is filtered from the capillary into the tissues in the arterial end of the capillary, and it is reabsorbed from the tissues into the capillary at the venous end. The hydrostatic pressures in the arterial and venous ends of the capillary bracket the colloid osmotic pressure, and the amount of fluid filtered at the arterial end is similar to the volume reabsorbed at the venous end.
20-In. This equilibrium of filtration and reabso...