Movement is an inseparable part of one's life, and has been a basic everyday activity through the history of mankind. However, a lack of physical activity and availability of food have resulted in a variety of serious health impairments. The 20th century has witnessed a steep rise of mortality from cardiovascular disease, increase in the prevalence of type-2 diabetes mellitus, malignant diseases, and dramatic increase in body weight initially in industrialized nations followed, in the last two decades of the last century, by the populations of third-world countries with all inherent consequences of this phenomenon. Preventive programmes involving physical activity have also been on the list of top priorities of various materials issued by the World Health Organization. Physical activity is one of the simplest non-pharmacological tools in the prevention of a plethora of diseases. The simplest physical activity, even for therapeutic purposes, is walking. We can walk any time, virtually anywhere, so walking is also the least expensive therapeutic option.