“…As an US beam is pulsed and swept in a conductive medium, a recording electrode detects the high frequency AE interaction signal, which is proportional to the local pressure and current. Feasibility of AEI for mapping current densities has been demonstrated in a variety of preparations, including time-varying dipoles (Olafsson et al, 2008, Wang et al, 2011, Wang et al, 2016, Berthon et al, 2017) and imaging of the cardiac depolarization wave in the live rabbit heart (Olafsson et al, 2009, Qin et al, 2015). The primary goals for this study are to 1) assess the performance (spatial resolution, sensitivity, and accuracy) of AEI for detecting and resolving current densities near a DBS device using stimulation parameters resembling those used clinically, and 2) demonstrate feasibility and benchmark performance of AEI through a human skullcap.…”