Este artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que a publicação original seja corretamente citada. ABSTRACT -The transformations that has been occurring in families in the contemporary context of capitalist development have placed numerous questions about relations between the sphere of production and reproduction. Among them are those relating to the 'conciliation" between work and family responsibilities. Within this framework, the goal is to introduce, systematically, a rapprochement with the scientific production on the conciliatory policies, considering two distinct universes. On one side the debate and confrontation that has been organized in the framework of European countries, and on the other hand the debate and confrontation that has been developed in the Latin American context, highlighting the peculiarities of Brazil. Shows the origins and peculiarities of the policies of conciliation between work and family responsibilities, their conceptual aspects, their relationships, contradictions and conflicts present in both universes, marked by very different dynamics. Aims to give visibility and encourage discussion on this issue, especially among the professionals who think and act in the field of public policy.Keywords -Family and work. Conciliation policy between work and family. European debate. Latin American debate.