In this paper a numerical multiscale method for discrete networks is presented. The method gives an accurate coarse scale representation of the full network by solving sub-network problems. The method is used to solve problems with highly varying connectivity or random network structure, showing optimal order convergence rates with respect to the mesh size of the coarse representation. Moreover, a network model for paper-based materials is presented. The numerical multiscale method is applied to solve problems governed by the presented network model.
IntroductionNetwork structures are used to model a wide variety of phenomena, such as flow in porous media, traffic flows, elasticity of materials, body deformation in computer graphics, molecular dynamics, and fiber materials. In these applications, the microscale behaviour determines the macroscale properties of the system. Often a full microscale model is difficult or impossible to work with because of the vast computational complexity. Therefore, there is an interest in constructing coarser, but still accurate, representations of the entire system. Such a procedure is sometimes referred to as upscaling or homogenization. In this work a numerical upscaling method for discrete networks is presented.There exist several numerical upscaling methods for partial differential equations (PDE) based on the idea of homogenization, such as the Heterogeneous Multiscale Method (HMM) [20], the Multiscale Finite Element Method (MsFEM) [8], and the more recent works [3,17]. The upscaling approach presented in this paper is based on the Localized Orthogonal Decomposition Method (LOD) [15,4], which in turn is inspired by the Variational Multiscale Method (VMM) [9]. Multiscale methods applied to network problems are for instance investigated by Ewing, Ilev et al. [5,11] who study the heat conductivity of network materials and develop an upscaling method by solving the heat equation locally over small sub-domains. These local solutions are used to compute an effective global thermal conductivity tensor. Della Rossa et al. investigate network models of traffic flows [2] and derive a governing PDE for the macroscale by formulating traffic flow equations for single network nodes and interpreting the relations as finite difference approximations. The macroscale parameters are resolved using a two-scale averaging technique. Chu et al. develop a multiscale method for networks representing flows in a porous medium [1]. The medium is modelled as a network where nodes represent pores and edges represent throats. The conductance of each throat is assumed to be given by Hagen-Poiseuille equation, and using mass conservation equations for the flow through the network, a model for the microscale is attained.The numerical upscaling method proposed in this work is developed for general unstructured networks. The network is supposed to represent the microscale, and the macroscale is represented by a finite element mesh which is coarse in comparison to the fine scale network. The coarse grid does not...