Perkinsus spp. have been detected in various bivalve species from north‐east Brazil. Santa Catarina is a South Brasil state with the highest national oyster production. Considering the pathogenicity of some Perkinsus spp., a study was carried out to survey perkinsosis in two oyster species cultured in this State, the mangrove oyster Crassostrea gasar and the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Sampling involved eight sites along the state coast, and oyster sampling was collected during the period between January 2013 and December 2014. For the detection of Perkinsus, Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium (RFTM) and histology were used, and for the identification of the species, PCR and DNA sequencing were used. Perkinsus spp. was found by RFTM in C. gigas and C. gasar from São Francisco do Sul. This pathology was also detected in C. gasar from Balneário Barra do Sul both, by RFTM and histology. Perkinsus marinus was identified in C. gigas and C. gasar from São Francisco do Sul and Perkinsus beihaiensis in C. gasar from Balneário Barra do Sul. This is the first report of P. marinus in C. gigas from South America. Results of this preliminary study suggest that both oyster species tolerate the species of Perkinsus identified, without suffering heavy lesions.