The amorphous-to-crystalline surface transition of k\ x O y on the Al(lll) surface is observed between 650 and 800 K with different 0 2 exposures by measuring the positronium (Ps) fraction produced by e* impinging on the surface. The data are interpreted in terms of vacancy-type defects in the film or at the metal-metal-oxide interface which as trapping sites for e + or Ps. As the ordering process proceeds to completion the trapping centers anneal out and the Ps fraction increases, showing an irreversible transition. This technique provides a new experimental method to study interfaces. PACS numbers: 68.20.+ t, 64.70.Kb, 78.70.Bj With the advent of efficient monoenergetic positron sources incorporated in ultrahigh-vacuum systems, it is now possible to study positron interactions with well-characterized surfaces. In a recent series of papers 1-5 the behavior of positrons at a number of metal surfaces has been reported. In some metals an implanted positron can (i) be reemitted into the vacuum, 2 (ii) escape with an electron and form positronium (Ps), 1,s or (iii) annihilate in the perfect lattice, in a lattice vacancy, or in the surface state. 4 ' 5 The positron can be thermally activated from this surface state and the depth of the potential well can be deduced. 4 " 6 In all clean metals studied the formation of Ps has been found to be the dominant mechanism for the escape of positrons from a metalvacuum interface.In the present study we have exposed an Al(lll) single-crystal surface to molecular oxygen (0 2 ). The fraction of Ps produced at room temperature increased initially with increasing 0 2 exposures saturating at less than 500 L 0 2 (1 langmuir = 1L = 10~6 Torr sec) and subsequently decreased at larger oxygen exposures. After separate total exposures of 500 L and 10 6 L 0 2 , the surface was examined with low-energy positrons as a function of sample temperature, at various incident positron energies, E. When the temperature at which the transition from amorphous to ordered Al x O y occurs at the surface the Ps fraction increases and is identified as the removal of trapping centers (vacancy-type defects) for positrons or Ps.The experimental details of the apparatus and the method of measurement have been described elsewhere. 3 In this experiment the existence of Ps (bound electron-positron state) is detected by observing changes in the energy spectrum produced by the three-photon emission that occurs upon the decay of orthopositronium ( 3 S 1 ). 7 The incident positron energy was varied by biasing the target at different voltages. The sample was cleaned by repeated cycles of Ar-ion bombardment and annealing (>400 C). Surface characterization was performed by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and Auger-electron spectroscopy (AES). Before the sample was exposed to 0 2 , no detectable impurities were observed by AES. The samples were maintained in a vacuum of ~1 xlO" 10 Torr during the experimental run (<8 h) except for those periods of 0 2 exposure. After each run AES spectra were taken again and no d...