DOI: 10.3382/ps.0670487
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Posthatch Ontogeny and Sex-Related Differences in Somatotroph Numbers in the Chicken Adenohypophysis

Abstract: Adenohypophyseal total cell and somatotroph numbers were determined in male and female chicks over the early (12 wk) growth period. In a first experiment, adenohypophyses from male and female broiler-strain (Hubbard x Hubbard) chicks were harvested at 2 wk intervals from 2 to 12 wk of age. Glands were enzymatically dispersed to yield uniform cell suspensions that were fixed and stained (Herlant's Tetrachrome system) to distinguish somatotrophs. Percentages of somatotrophs in the total adenohypophyseal cell pop… Show more

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Cited by 6 publications
(3 citation statements)
References 6 publications
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“…This might imply low levels of FSH and LH secreted during this period and is consistent with the low number of both FSH and LH gonadotrops observed in our immature quail. As mentioned before by Amin and Gilbert (1970) in fowl, Vasilatos-Younken (1988) and Malamed et al( 1997) in chicken, and in association with the rapid growth of the birds during the first three weeks, we recorded a gradual increase in the size, number and staining intensity of the somatotrops. This was also confirmed by Scanes et al (1992) in chicken who recorded a post hatching continuous rising in the circulating GH up to 2 weeks of age then begins to decrease after that.…”
Section: Immature Chicks From 1 Up To 3 Weeks Oldsupporting
confidence: 85%
“…This might imply low levels of FSH and LH secreted during this period and is consistent with the low number of both FSH and LH gonadotrops observed in our immature quail. As mentioned before by Amin and Gilbert (1970) in fowl, Vasilatos-Younken (1988) and Malamed et al( 1997) in chicken, and in association with the rapid growth of the birds during the first three weeks, we recorded a gradual increase in the size, number and staining intensity of the somatotrops. This was also confirmed by Scanes et al (1992) in chicken who recorded a post hatching continuous rising in the circulating GH up to 2 weeks of age then begins to decrease after that.…”
Section: Immature Chicks From 1 Up To 3 Weeks Oldsupporting
confidence: 85%
“…The increase in absolute somatotroph numbers between 5 and 26 weeks (Leghorns) or between 2 and 6 weeks (broilers) is less than the increase in overall pituitary size; thus, the relative somatotroph concentration in the anterior pituitary actually declines (Amin and Gilbert 1970;Malamed et al 1985Malamed et al , 1997Vasilatos-Younken 1988). For instance, the anterior pituitary grows by 147% between 5 and 11 weeks but somatotroph volume only increases by 64% in White Leghorns (Malamed et al 1985(Malamed et al , 1997.…”
Section: Abundancementioning
confidence: 94%
“…1), doves (Reichardt 1993), pigeons (Hansen and Hansen 1977), Chinese quail (Harrisson 1978), Japanese quail (Mikami et al 1975), white crowned sparrows (Matsuo et al 1969), Peking or Barbary ducks (Marchand et al 1976), and Indian wild birds (Mohanty et al 1997). Indeed, between 35% and 40% of the caudal lobe is composed of somatotroph cells (Malamed et al 1985; Thommes et al 1987;Vasilatos-Younken 1988).…”
Section: Distributionmentioning
confidence: 95%