Since the last decade, the public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) has been studied as a popular technique for searching data over encrypted files. The notion finds useful application for fine-grained data search on outsourced encrypted data like iCloud, mobile cloud data, etc. In this paper, we present a concrete public-key encryption (PKE)+PEKS scheme and prove its security in the standard model. We prove that our scheme is both IND-PKE-CCA secure, that is, provides message confidentiality against an adaptive chosen-ciphertext adversary, and IND-PEKS-CCA secure, that is, provides keyword privacy against an adaptive chosen-ciphertext adversary, under the Symmetric eXternal Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) assumption. Our construction uses asymmetric pairings which enable a fast implementation useful for practical applications. Our scheme has much shorter ciphertexts than other known PKE+PEKS schemes. Particularly, we compare our scheme with other proposed PEKS and integrated PKE+PEKS schemes and provide a relative analysis of various parameters including assumption, security, and efficiency.
KeywordsPKE+PEKS • Searchable encryption • Asymmetric pairings (Type 3) • Provable security • Standard model • SXDH • Cloud computing • Data outsourcing security An extended abstract was published as [35].