This paper reviews applications of optimization methods in the area of electrical circuit design. It is addressed to engineers in general as well as mathematical programmers. As a consequence, a brief introduction to electrical circuits is presented, including analog, digital and power concepts. Network analysis techniques along with response evaluation and the determination of partial derivatives (useful in gradient methods of optimization) provide the nonelectrical reader with some necessary background. Different types of specifications which may be imposed, for design purposes, on network performance are presented. The approaches by many contributors to optimal circuit design are outlined, concentrating on general methods within the domain of nonlinear programming, nonlinear approximation and nonlinear discrete optimization techniques. A complete section is devoted to recent work in design centering, optimal assignment of manufacturing tolerances and postproduction tuning. The inclusion of model and environmental uncertainties is discussed. Practical examples illustrate the current state of the art. Difficulties facing the design optimizer as well as directions of possible future research are elaborated on. A long but by no means exhaustive list of references is appended. --c "o E X X X X X X X XX XX X X X XX X X X X Z X X X >4 X~ XX Z X XX X X X X X X X X X X X o o = ~ =~.~ ~.~ o.~ ~ o = 6 _o-i= "a ~,