The gamma-ray spectra associated with thermal neutron capture in targets of 5SNi, 6~ 62Ni, and 64Ni have been observed with a high-sensitivity pair-spectrometer. Level schemes for the four product nuclei are discussed, correlation of widths with neutron single-particle states examined, and estimates for M1 and E2 7-ray strength functions obtained.The stable isotopes of nickel, which range in mass number from 58 to 64, fall within a mass region commanding considerable interest. In particular, since four of the five naturally occurring isotopes provide even-even target nuclei, one might expect strong correlation between (d, p) single-particle strengths and reduced radiative widths for transitions to l, = 1 final states following thermal neutron capture. Since in the latter reaction much of the radiated strength is concentrated in a few high-energy ~ rays, the characteristics of such 7 rays, and associated energy levels, are well known. The low-energy 7 rays from thermal neutron capture in nickel isotopes have also been well established [1 6]. In addition, several studies of the nickel isotopes have been conducted by means of (d, p) reactions employing either polarized [7][8][9] or unpolarized [l(L13] deuterons. Summaries of energylevel information for nickel are available in recent compilations of the Nuclear Data Sheets [14][15][16][17]. In the present thermal-neutron-capture study, 7 rays of intermediate to high energy, 2 to 9 MeV, were examined by means of Ge(Li)-NaI(T1) pairspectrometer system of greatly improved sensitivity, as reported by Robertson et al. [18]. The remarkable reduction in continuum achieved by this system, in particular at intermediate photon energies, permitted detection of several low intensity y rays helpful in the understanding of decay characteristics, and, in gen-* Permanent Address: Nuclear Physics Division, Pinstech, P.O. Nilore, Rawalpindi, Pakistan eral, led to a more complete collection of information than available to date. Moreover, since the nickel isotopes were studied en bloc, both as constituents of a natural target and as enriched targets, it was possible to obtain accurate estimates of intensities and widths, which checked as consistent with known isotopic abundances and thermal neutron-capture cross sections. Improved Q-value estimates were correspondingly obtained for all isotopes studied.