Extremely preterm infants often require endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation during the first days of life. Due to the detrimental effects of prolonged invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), clinicians aim to extubate infants as soon as they deem them ready. Unfortunately, existing strategies for prediction of extubation readiness vary across clinicians and institutions, and lead to high reintubation rates. We present an approach using Random Forest classifiers for the analysis of cardiorespiratory variability to predict extubation readiness. We address the issue of data imbalance by employing random undersampling of examples from the majority class before training each Decision Tree in a bag. By incorporating clinical domain knowledge, we further demonstrate that our classifier could have identified 71% of infants who failed extubation, while maintaining a success detection rate of 78%. Pause (PAU): cessation of breathing indicated by low RCG and ABD power in the breathing band (0.4-2Hz). Movement Artifact (MVT): periods during which there is power in the movement artifact band (0-0.4Hz) due to infant movement or nurse handling. Synchronous Breathing (SYB): periods during which RCG and ABD are in synchrony. Asynchronous Breathing (ASB): periods during which RCG and ABD are out of synchrony.AUREA is objective, repeatable, and has been tuned for this population. Further details are given in [13]. The following patterns were also extracted from the ECG and PPG signals: Bradycardia (BDY): artifact-free periods during which and the heart rate was below 100 beats/min.