A correlation was developed to estimate the adsorption
equilibrium capacity of various adsorbents and organic
compounds using a combination of Polanyi potential theory
and linear solvation energy relationships (LSERs). Polanyi
theory provided the basic mathematical form for the
correlation. LSERs were used to normalize the Polanyi
theory based on the fundamental interaction forces between
the solvent, adsorbate, and adsorbent expected in aqueous-phase adsorption. The correlation was developed using
56 organic compounds and eight adsorbents. The following
classes of organic compounds were used: (i) halogenated
aliphatics, (ii) aromatics and halogenated aromatics,
(iii) polyfunctional organic compounds and (iv) sulfonated
aromatics. The adsorbents were (i) three coal-based
activated carbons (F-300, F-400, and APA), (ii) one coconut
shell based activated carbon (580-26), (iii) one unspecified
activated carbon, and (iv) three synthetic polymeric
adsorbents (XAD-4, XAD-7, and XEN-563). The proposed
correlation, which considers the fundamental solvent−adsorbate−adsorbent interaction forces, showed a significant
improvement in predicting the adsorption capacity over
a correlation that considered only van der Waals forces.
However, the correlations did not predict the adsorption
capacities of highly soluble organic compounds such as
polysulfonated aromatics and polyfunctional organic