of winter cereal cover crops. In addition, Mn toxicity induced by soil acidity is often observed in burley to-Profitable yield and satisfactory leaf quality of burley tobacco (Nibacco fields heavily fertilized with N (Hiatt and Ragcotiana tabacum L.) require proper management of N fertilizer. The land, 1963;Miner and Sims, 1983; Sims and Atkinson, level of tissue NO Ϫ 3 in tobacco may be a suitable diagnostic test of 1973). Improved N management may overcome these crop N sufficiency that could be used for N management decisions. This study determined the suitability of early-season tissue NO Ϫ 3 as negative effects. a predictor of air-cured leaf yield and NO Ϫ 3 concentration. Burley Various early-season plant and soil diagnostic tests tobacco was grown in 1991 and 1992 on a well-drained Maury silt to better manage the N needs of other crops have been loam (fine, mixed, mesic, Typic Paleudalf) and a moderately wellevaluated. Depending on the crop, some of these tests drained Captina silt loam (fine, silty, siliceous, mesic Typic Fragiudult) may be useful. Early-season plant tests for N sufficiency broadcast fertilized just before transplanting with 0 to 392 kg N ha Ϫ1 .have included assessments of leaf chlorophyll, tissue Tissue NO Ϫ 3 levels of plants sampled from 3 to 5 wk after transplanting total N, and tissue NO Ϫ 3 levels. Total N concentration and air-cured leaf yields increased with increasing amounts of fertilizer of burley tobacco leaves sampled between 3 and 5 wk N. Responses differed depending on location and year. When the after transplanting appeared to be a better index of leaf results were expressed as the percentage of the maximum within year yield than extracted chlorophyll or chlorophyll meter and location, the relationship of leaf yield to early-season NO Ϫ 3 was described by a single linear equation (y ϭ 51.0 ϩ 0.448x; r 2 ϭ 0.808, readings (MacKown and Sutton, 1998). However, use P Յ 0.001). However, to use this equation, it would be necessary to of these traits to predict corrective N fertilizer needs include in each tobacco field evaluated a strip of fertilizer N producing would require reference plots fertilized with a nonlimnear maximum yield. The NO Ϫ 3 concentration of burley tobacco beiting amount of N to account for the environmental tween 3 and 5 wk after transplanting was suitable for predicting the effects and plant developmental variability. Early-sea-NO Ϫ 3 concentration of air-cured leaf lamina from the top, middle, and son tissue NO Ϫ 3 as a diagnostic test of N sufficiency has bottom stalk positions, and appeared to be insensitive to year and not been evaluated in tobacco but has given promising location effects. Use of plant NO Ϫ 3 concentration, as an early-season