Objective. To determine the relationship between the indicators of prenatal screening of the 1st trimester and the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR).
Materials and methods. A prospective cohort study was carried out. Group 1 included 75 patients with fetal intrauterine growth retardation, group 2 414 women who gave birth to a live, full-term healthy baby with normal weight and height parameters. In all patients, the anamnestic parameters, indicators of PAPP-A, b-hCG, PlGF, thickness of the collar space and the pulsation index of the uterine arteries (PI UA) were compared.
Results. A number of significant differences in the anamnestic parameters were found between the groups. In group 1, multiparous women were met more often (16 % compared with 2.9% in group 2, p0.001), women after сesarean section (13.3% and 5.6%, respectively, p=0.013), women with a history of spontaneous and artificial abortions (46.7% and 34.1 %, p=0.036). In addition, in group 1, patients were more likely to have uterine myoma in 9.3 % versus 3.4% in group 2 (p=0.019). In group 1, during the first trimester screening, PAPP-A values were lower 1.238 (0.682.05) IU/ml versus 2.25 (1.283.9) IU/ml in group 2 (p0.001), and PlGF 13.73 (10.2219.09) IU/ml versus 17.19 (12.125.38) in group 2 (p=0.002). There were no significant differences in the level of b-hCG. The average pulsation index of the uterine arteries, on the contrary, in group 1 in the first trimester was higher than in group 2 1.73 (1.422.11) and 1.55 (1.321.85), respectively (p=0.024).
Conclusions. Thus, a number of anamnestic data and screening indicators for the first trimester have a statistically significant relationship with the presence of IUGR of the fetus; therefore, these indicators can be used to assess the risk of this pregnancy complication.