Aims and Objectives: Incidental finding of fetal pelvi-calyceal dilatation is common finding on early second trimester anomaly scan. [18 to 23 weeks] It causes significant parental anxiety. The present study aims to apply stringent criteria for accurate assessment. It also studies the natural course of such findings, pathological cause for such findings and its postnatal outcomes. Study Design: This study includes 9500 cases that underwent anomaly at 18 to 23 weeks gestation period. 1. The fetal pelvi-calyceal dilatation [PCD] was diagnosed and categorized according to criteria set by European Society for Pediatric Radiology [ 1]. PCD 0 -renal calyces and pelvis not or hardly visible. PCD 1 -renal calyces not visible and axial renal pelvis diameter is less than 7 mm. PCD 2 -some calices are visible but with normal forniceal and papillary shape, axial renal pelvis less than 10 mm. PCD 3 -marked dilatation of calices and pelvis. Pelvic axial width usually more than 10 mm with flattened papilla and rounded fornices but without parenchymal thinning. PCD 4-gross dilatation of entire collecting system and thinning of renal parenchyma. PCD 5-Only thin membrane like residual renal parenchymal rim. Result: Among 9500 women who underwent routine anomaly scan at 18 to 23 weeks gestation, total 390 had PCD findings [4.1 %] Single kidney taken as one case while bilateral findings were taken as 2 cases. 98 [25.1 %] pregnancies had bilateral PCD findings and rest 292[74.9%] had unilateral PCD changes. These findings correlate well with as shown by S Sairam et al, Livera et al, Gunn et al [2, 3, 4]PCD 1 findings were noted in 317 cases, PCD2 findings were noted in 38 cases, PCD3 findings in 23 cases and PCD4 findings in 12 cases. All these fetuses were followed till either PCD findings resolved naturally or till 2 years of their life. These findings also compare well with S Sairam et al, and Persutte et al [ 2,5] About 00 cases of PCD1, 3 cases of PCD2 and 2 cases of PCD3 were lost for follow up for various reasons. Two cases of PCD1 were lost due to additional diagnosis of Down syndrome in one case and multiple anomalies in other cases. Both were excluded from the present study. Rest of them [383] were studied and analyzed for this paper. Out of 315 PCD1 cases, all turned out to be normal Out of 35 PCD2 cases, 19 were resolved, 12 remain unchanged at second year of child age rest were 4 worsened Out of 21 PCD 3, 2 cases resolved spontaneously, 5 remain unchanged and 14 cases worsened Out of 12 PCD 4 cases, all needed and underwent surgical intervention. 04 kidneys were saved and rest 8 had nephrectomies.