Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) is an important power device for the conversion, control, and transmission of semiconductor power, and is used in various industrial fields. The IGBT module currently uses silicone gel as an insulating layer. Since higher power density and more severe temperature applications have become the trend according to the development of electronic device industry, insulating materials with improved heat resistance and insulation performances should be developed. In this study, we intended to synthesize a new insulating material with enhanced thermal stability and reduced thermal conductivity. Poly(imide-siloxane) (PIS) was prepared and crosslinked through a hydrosilylation reaction to obtain a semi-solid Crosslinked PIS. Thermal decomposition temperature, thermal conductivity, optical transparency, dielectric constant, and rheological property of the Crosslinked PIS were investigated and compared to those of a commercial silicone gel. The Crosslinked PIS showed high thermal stability and low thermal conductivity, along with other desirable properties, and so could be useful as an IGBT-insulating material.