Thick layers of GeTeSe chalcogenide glass have been prepared and subjected to conduction measurements under the effect of both temperature and pressure. The results of the I-V characteristics exhibit transition from highresistance state to differential negative resistance state through a turnover point.The application of uniaxial pressure shows the similar effect of temperature on that behaviour. Both current and voltage at the turnover point depend on pressure and ambient temperature. The rise of temperature in the conduction path due to joule heating and application of uniaxial pressure as well as the reduction in the energy gap width (fl = 2.87.10 -12 eV/N m -2) are estimated and discussed at the turnover point. This behaviour is explained according to the orientation of dipoles randomly dispersed in viscous amorphous matrix.PACS 72.80 -Conductivity of specific semiconductors and insulators. PACS 72.80.Ng -Amorphous and glassy semiconductors.