Background: Lymph Node Metastasis (LNM) is considered the most important prognostic factor in breast cancer. The progress of lymphatic metastasis is thought to involve the proliferation of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis), Lymph Vessel Invasion (LVI), and lymph node metastasis step by step. This study aims to evaluate the association between LVD with LVI and regional LNM in invasive breast carcinoma of no special type. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional analytical study, using a sample of 38 paraffin-embedded tissue from the patient with invasive breast carcinoma of no special type in Sanglah General Hospital, Bali, Indonesia, in 2018. The sample will be used to assess LVD and LVI by D2-40 immunohistochemistry. Expression of D2-40 with vigorous-intensity was evaluated on the membrane and cytoplasm of lymphatic endothelial cells to determine the definition of lymphatic vessels. Lymph vessel density was determined by counting the Latar Belakang: Metastasis Kelenjar Getah Bening (KGB) dianggap sebagai faktor prognostik yang paling penting pada kanker payudara. Perkembangan metastasis limfatik diduga melibatkan proliferasi pembuluh limfatik (limfangiogenesis), Lymph Vessel Invasion (LVI) atau invasi limfatik, dan metastasis kelenjar getah bening secara bertahap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara Lymph Vessel Density (LVD) dengan invasi limfatik dan metastasis kelenjar getah bening regional pada karsinoma payudara invasif tipe tidak spesifik. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik number of lumens of peritumoral lymphatic vessels in five fields of view with the densest lymphatic vessel lumen using a Leica microscope (DM750, 400x, area 0.225mm2). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 24 for Windows.
Results:The LVD cut-off value is 16.5 lymphatic vessel lumens/0.225 mm2 (65.4% for sensitivity and area Under the Curve (AUC)=70.2%). Then cases were classified into the category of high LVD (≥16,5 lymphatic vessel lumen/0,225 mm 2 ) and low LVD (<16.5 lymphatic vessels lumen/0,225 mm 2 ). The study found a statistically significant association between LVD and lymph vessel invasion (PR=3.6; p=0.043; 95%CI=0.88-14.78) and regional lymph node metastases (PR =1.7; p=0.02; 95%CI=1. 03-2.79).
Conclusion:This study proved an association between LVD with lymph vessel invasion and regional lymph node metastases. potong lintang dengan sampel 38 blok parafin dari pasien karsinoma payudara invasif tipe tidak spesifik di RSUP Sanglah, Bali, Indonesia tahun 2018. Penilaian LVD dan LVI dengan pulasan imunohistokimia D2-40. Ekspresi D2-40 dengan intensitas yang kuat dievaluasi pada membran dan sitoplasma sel endotel limfatik untuk menetapkan definisi pembuluh limfatik. Lymph vessel density ditentukan dengan menghitung jumlah lumen pembuluh limfatik peritumoral pada lima lapangan pandang yang memiliki lumen pembuluh limfatik terpadat, menggunakan mikroskop Leica (DM750, 400x, luas area 0,225mm 2 ). Data dianalisis