Sudan grass (Sorghum sudanense (Piper.) Stapf) for the dry-steppe zone of West Kazakhstan is the most productive and drought-resistant, as well as promising culture. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth supply of feed to livestock, it is important to carry out studies on the adaptation of elements of Sudan grass cultivation technology to the regional conditions. The research examined different sowing times at 10-day intervals, and for the harvesting of green fodder, haylage and hay, the harvesting times were examined in different phases of development, as well as grazing mode of use of Sudan grass. The results of scientific research showed that for the conditions of the region it is important to select both optimal sowing and harvesting times. In the years of research, the yield of dry mass of Sudan grass at different sowing times was 21.05-23.37 c/ha, with the highest productivity determined at 1 early sowing time. When studying the time of harvesting, high yield of dry mass of Sudan grass was ensured during harvesting of plant formations in the blooming period 19.06-23.69 c/ha. Under grazing conditions in the study area, Sudan grass produced 16.99 c/ha of dry mass in a total of 4 browsing.